¼ø»Æʦapp BOARD OF Trustees
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Approval of the Minutes
III. Chairman's Report
IV. SP:A-1. Presentation and Approval of the Boca Raton Community Hospital Agreement
IV. SP:A-2. Presentation and Approval of the 2007-08 Capital Improvement Plan
V. AS:A-1. Presentation and Approval of the ¼ø»Æʦapp Enrollment Plan through 2012-13
V. AS:A-2. Presentation and Approval of the 2007-08 Legislative Budget Request
VI. AF:A-1. Request for Approval of the Proposed Regulation Change Regarding Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harrassment
VI. AF:A-2. Request for Approval of Updated 2005-2006 Education Equity Act Report
VI. AF:A-3. Presentation and Approval of the Report on Diversity
VI. AF:A-4. Request for Approval of Regulation Promulgation for Legislatively Established Increases in Student Fees for Academic Year 2006-2007
VI. AF:A-5. Request for Approval of Increase in Housing Rental Rates
VI. AF:A-6. Presentation and Approval of the 2006-2007 Capital Outlay Budget
VI. AF:A-7. Presentation and Approval of the 2006-2007 ¼ø»Æʦapp Operating Budget
VI. President's Report
VII. Old Business
VIII. New Business
IX. Member Comments
XI. Public Comments
XII. Adjournment