
ʦapp Announces Winners of 2024 ‘Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition’

Winners of ʦapp's eighth annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition along with attending dignitaries

ʦapp has announced the winners of the eighth annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition hosted by the Graduate College

By jonathan fraysure | 4/25/2024

ʦapp has announced the winners of the eighth annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition hosted by the Graduate College.

The goal of the 3MT® competition is for ʦapp graduate ʦapp from all colleges and departments to cultivate the ability to explain their research – including both breadth and significance – in a language appropriate to an audience containing both specialists and non-specialists, in three minutes or less. The 3MT® competition provides ʦapp graduate ʦapp with the opportunity to sharpen their professional development skills, reignite their passion for discovery, promote preeminent research, and foster community.

“I am delighted to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all the participants and winners of this year’s Florida Atlantic 3MT® competition,” said , Ph.D., dean of the Graduate College and associate vice president of academic affairs at the John D. MacArthur Campus in Jupiter. “Graduate ʦapp are fundamental to our university’s research and scholarly endeavors, driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of knowledge. The 3MT® competition stands as a testament to their ability to distill complex research into clear, compelling narratives. This year’s competition was nothing short of exceptional, showcasing the diverse and impactful research being conducted across our university.”

A total of 37 graduate ʦapp pitched their research projects to a live audience, with 15 awarded scholarship prizes throughout the entirety of the competition. A panel of distinguished ʦapp community members determined the 2024 first-place, runner-up and second runner-up championship winners. More than 300 online votes submitted by public viewers named the People’s Choice Award winner.

The championship winners of the 2024 3MT® competition are:

ʦapp championship winner and recipient of the Dr. Eric H. Shaw 3MT® Championship Endowment Award
Title: “Why You Buggin’ Out: Does Seasonality Drive Insectivory in a Mixed-Species Group of African Monkeys?”
Presented by: Kayla Ahlness, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Faculty Advisor: Kate Detweiler, Ph.D.

ʦapp 3MT® runner-up
Title: “Evidence of Canals and Network Potential for Amyloid Beta Drainage out of the Brain”
Presented by: Giselle Shim, Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
Faculty Advisor: Rui Tao, D.V.M., Ph.D.

ʦapp 3MT® second runner-up and People’s Choice Award winner
Title: “Why Memes Are Serious Business: The Relationship Between Political Polarization and Meme Effectiveness”
Presented by: Jordan Thompson, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
Faculty Advisor: Geoffrey Wetherell, Ph.D.

Ahlness, the championship winner and recipient of the $2,500 Dr. Eric H. Shaw 3MT® Championship Award, also represented ʦapp recently at the Conference of Florida Graduate Schools at the University of West Florida, where she competed in the statewide 3MT® competition and was chosen as the People’s Choice Winner.

“To the champions and participants alike, your projects inspired the university community and deserve attention and recognition,” added Stackman. “I extend my sincere gratitude to Elizabeth Weber, manager of graduate admissions and events, and the dedicated team of the Graduate College staff, for their unwavering commitment to making this event a resounding success.”

ʦapp 3MT® is a venue for graduate ʦapp from various disciplines to interact with one another and discuss their research and its implications. The competition provides an opportunity for undergraduates, alumni, industry partners, various on-campus departments, institutions and the community to gain exposure to high-level, cutting-edge research at ʦapp.

For more information on ʦapp’s 3MT® competition, click .
