Bea Weiser, 98, Volunteers to Help People with Alzheimer's
For more than 14 years, Bea Weiser, 98, has volunteered at ʦapp's Louis and Anne Green Memory and Wellness Center to help attendees who are struggling with Alzheimer's disease and other related dementias.
Faith Community Events for Children: Good for the Soul, Lack Nutrition
A pilot study by researchers in ʦapp's Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing is the first to examine foods served in faith community settings related to child health.
U.S. HHS Secretary Names María Ordóñez to Alzheimer's Council
Alex M. Azar II, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, recently named ʦapp's María de los Ángeles Ordóñez, DNP, APRN to the Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Research, Care, and Services.
Protein Intake in Older Adults Differs Dramatically by Ethnicity/Race
A study by researchers in ʦapp's Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing is the first to evaluate physical health indicators in association with protein intake in older adults among different racial/ethnic groups.
Another Way Dogs Help the Military; Aeromedical Patient Evacuations
A study by ʦapp's Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing has demonstrated the feasibility and efficacy of animal-assisted interventions to reduce stress in a military setting.
ʦapp Receives $1.5 Million HRSA Nursing Grant for Military Veterans
ʦapp's Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing has received a $1.5 million HRSA grant to form a primary care workforce of veteran nurses to care for other military veterans in rural and underserved communities.
Gregg B. Fields Named Executive Director of ʦapp's I-HEALTH
Gregg B. Fields, Ph.D., has been named as executive director of ʦapp's Institute for Human Health and Disease Intervention (I-HEALTH), one of the university's four research pillars.
Safiya George, Ph.D., Named Dean of the College of Nursing
ʦapp has named Safiya George, Ph.D., as the new dean of the Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing. George is a leading scholar in the fields of HIV research, spirituality, religion and health.
New Tool Gauges Rural, Older Adults' Alzheimer's Knowledge
Researchers from ʦapp's Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing have developed the "Basic Knowledge of Alzheimer's Disease" survey to measure and assess Alzheimer's knowledge in rural and underserved communities
Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing Celebrates 40 Years
ʦapp's Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing recently celebrated 40 years of excellence during a special anniversary event at the college to support initiatives for education, research and community service.