¼ø»Æʦapp Jupiter's LLS Spring Course Schedule

By | February 20, 2017

¼ø»Æʦapp's Lifelong Learning Society Jupiter has announced its course offerings for the spring semester, which begins Wednesday, March 15.

¼ø»Æʦapp Tech Runway® Appoints Chairman of Advisory Board

By | February 16, 2017

¼ø»Æʦapp's Tech Runway® has recently appointed Donald Kiselewski as the new chairman to its advisory board.

'¼ø»Æʦapp Day' Celebrated at the Florida Capitol

By | February 15, 2017

¼ø»Æʦapp recently celebrated "¼ø»Æʦapp Day" at the Florida Capitol.

¼ø»Æʦapp in Top 25 for Intellectual Contributions in Real Estate

By | February 15, 2017

Research faculty at ¼ø»Æʦapp rank 24th in the world for their intellectual contributions to the real estate industry through their publications in top peer-reviewed journals.

Respected and Successful Florida Policymaker Will Join ¼ø»Æʦapp

By | February 10, 2017

Jeff Atwater, member of the Governor’s cabinet with years of experience in public and private finance, will become ¼ø»Æʦapp's vice president for strategic initiatives and chief financial officer.

Marine Sponge May Provide Antibacterial Solutions for MRSA

By | February 8, 2017

A compound extracted from a deep-water marine sponge is showing potent antibacterial activity against the drug resistant bacteria methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus also called the "super bug."

¼ø»Æʦapp Designated as a Hispanic-Serving Institution

By | February 7, 2017

¼ø»Æʦapp has received federal designation as a Hispanic-Serving Institution, which only is awarded to colleges and universities with enrollment of full-time Hispanic undergraduate ¼ø»Æʦapp of at least 25 percent.

¼ø»Æʦapp Poll Shows Floridians Support Sanctuary Cities

By | February 7, 2017

A majority of Floridians favor sanctuary city policies that offer safe harbor for undocumented immigrants, according to a statewide survey by the ¼ø»Æʦapp Business and Economics Polling Initiative.

¼ø»Æʦapp Honors Heiko Dobrikow as Business Leader of the Year

By | February 2, 2017

More than 500 guests turned out to celebrate ¼ø»Æʦapp's College of Business' 25th annual Business Leader of the Year, Heiko Dobrikow, on Friday, Jan. 27, at the Boca Raton Resort & Club.

Panel Discussion with Visiting Activist Filmmakers

By | February 2, 2017

Iris Morales and Andrew Padilla will give a brief presentation on their careers as activist filmmakers, followed by a discussion and Q&A.
