Ìý Top Stories

¼ø»Æʦapp Poll Shows Hispanic Consumer Confidence Soars

By | April 8, 2021

Hispanic consumers are gaining more confidence in the nation's economic outlook as COVID-19 vaccines become widely available and government support helps hard-hit households recover from the pandemic.

¼ø»Æʦapp Expert Answers Questions about COVID-19 Vaccines

By | March 31, 2021

The Schmidt College of Medicine's Joanna Drowos, D.O., M.P.H., M.B.A., provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding COVID-19 vaccines.

¼ø»Æʦapp Among 'U.S. News & World Report's' 2022 'Best Graduate Schools'

By | March 30, 2021

Several ¼ø»Æʦapp programs are ranked in the latest U.S. News & World Report's "Best Graduate Schools" for 2022, which include programs in business, engineering, medicine, nursing and public affairs.

Bargains Disappear in Overvalued South Florida Housing Market

By | March 23, 2021

The average home in Southeast Florida is overvalued by more than 11 percent, the result of continued low mortgage rates and a steady supply of new residents moving to the tri-county region.

These Baby Great White Sharks Love to Hang Out Near New York

By | March 23, 2021

¼ø»Æʦapp Harbor Branch scientists and collaborators provide the first-ever glimpse into 3D movements of young great white sharks in the New York Bight using cutting-edge satellite technology.

Not Even a Pandemic Could Stop Future ¼ø»Æʦapp Physicians from 'Matching'

By | March 19, 2021

After a challenging year, ¼ø»Æʦapp's soon-to-be physicians celebrated at Match Day. At noon today, the class of 2021 opened their sealed envelopes containing their residency match results.

¼ø»Æʦapp Study Shows Where Money is Best Spent to Fight a Pandemic

By | March 17, 2021

In deciding on how to combat pandemics like COVID-19, the total amount a government is willing to invest is critical.

¼ø»Æʦapp Unveils Center for Connected Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence

By | March 11, 2021

To rapidly advance the field of artificial intelligence and autonomy, ¼ø»Æʦapp's College of Engineering and Computer Science recently unveiled its "Center for Connected Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence."

A Remote, Computerized Training Program Eases Anxiety in Children

By | March 9, 2021

A study is the first to explore the relationship between anxiety, inhibitory control and EEG measures in children, revealing a way to ease negative emotions using a computerized and remote training program.

Reconsider Renting: Housing Index Shows Buying Costs Decline

By | March 8, 2021

AAs house prices escalate across the nation, the strategy of renting a home is losing momentum because of historically low interest rates.
