DNA Decodes Dining Desires of Shell-Shucking Whitespotted Eagle Rays
¼ø»Æʦapp Harbor Branch researchers are the first to uncover the finer-scale feeding patterns of the whitespotted eagle ray in U.S. coastal waters.

Sewage, Not Fertilizer Fueling Nitrogen Surge in Indian River Lagoon
¼ø»Æʦapp Harbor Branch researchers compared water quality in Florida's Indian River Lagoon "pre" and five-years "post" fertilizer bans, revealing sewage, not fertilizer is the root cause of environmental issues.

¼ø»Æʦapp Receives $11.5 Million Gift to Combat Life-Threatening Illness
The Schmidt College of Medicine received the monumental gift from philanthropists Ann and John Wood to combat amyloidosis, a complex and challenging disease, using a whole-body and multidisciplinary approach.

Finalists for ¼ø»Æʦapp's Next President Selected
The ¼ø»Æʦapp Presidential Search Committee recommended to the University's Board of Trustees three finalists for the presidency of the University

Robotic Glove Lends a 'Hand' to Relearn Playing Piano After a Stroke
Using AI, ¼ø»Æʦapp engineering researchers have developed a first-of-its-kind soft robotic exoskeleton glove that "feels." The new technology provides precise force and guidance in recovering fine finger movements.

Boom! Detecting Gregarious Goliath Groupers Using Their Sounds
¼ø»Æʦapp researchers deployed a novel automated detector and localization model to find underwater marine organisms using their low-frequency pulse sounds to illustrate their detailed behavior.

Sea Snail First Seen in the U.S. May Have Arrived as a 'Stowaway'
A researcher from ¼ø»Æʦapp reports that the mollusk, Naria turdus, found in Lake Worth Lagoon took two years to arrive in South Florida most likely as a stowaway attached to the hull of a ship as larva.

In Sync? Malaria Parasite and Human Time Clocks Do Align
A new study has uncovered "coupling" between the malaria parasite and its human host, which provides a pathway to new treatments for a disease that claims the life of a child under age 5 every minute.

Running Throughout Middle Age Keeps 'Old' Adult-born Neurons 'Wired'
A new study provides novel insight into the benefits of exercise, which should motivate adults to keep moving throughout their lifetime, especially during middle age.

¼ø»Æʦapp Experts for the 2023 Hurricane Season
¼ø»Æʦapp faculty experts are available to discuss various issues surrounding hurricane preparedness, evacuation and aftermath.